Month by month microdata on employment

Monthly microdata on employments and earnings without having to apply for them – this is the latest offer in How that is possible? Because Statistics Norway has started loading data from the Norwegian digital collection system of job, income, and tax deductions into the service.

From December on, supplies the users with data from the so-called A-ordning, Norway’s coordinated digital administrative reporting structure for data on employment, income, and tax deductions to the Tax Administration and the Labour and Welfare Administration. The reports are monthly and Statistics Norway receives a copy for statistical purposes. An increasing selection of these data are now available in

The A-ordning depicts Norwegian work life in detail month by month, with time series starting in January 2015. The latest data in are from July 2021. New monthly data will follow consequently.

All the jobs in Norway

The monthly reports gives a complete picture of all jobs in Norway and the earnings connected to them. The population includes both residents and migrant workers. Statistics Norway uses the data to produce the employment statistics.

You will find further information on the A-ordning and how to utilize the data in research and analyzes on (in Norwegian) and on the Tax Administration home page.

How to work with the data

In, the data from the A-ordning are organized in two ways – either by job or person as the statistical unit.

The job is the unit where the same persons may be reported more than once, typically when they have more than one job. These variables are named with the prefixes ARBLONN_ARB or ARBLONN_LONN. The job is linked to a person by the variable «Job to person link» (ARBEIDSFORHOLD_PERSON), where the job is the unit and the person’s ID its value. You will find examples on how to match persons and jobs in the home page.

The person is the unit where the variable cannot have more than one observation per person, such as gender, place of living, and summed up totals for all jobs. These variables are prefixed ARBLONN_ARB.

Take care of the dynamics

With data as dynamic as the A-ordning data, you need to stick to the same source when using background variables like place of living, gender and age (prefix ARBLONN_PERS). A substantial part of the population in the A-ordning are not included in other sources, for instance the population statistics. In these cases, matching an A-ordning population with other sources will return missing values.

Variables from the A-ordning in as of December 2021

In the table below, the variable labels are in English. In the variable overview in, all metadata, labels included, are in Norwegian.

VariableTech name
Citizen or migrant worker ARBLONN_PERS_BOSETT_STATUS 
Employment status – type of curation ARBLONN_ARB_SYSS 
Job start date ARBLONN_ARB_START 
Main or secondary job ARBLONN_ARB_HOVEDARBEID 
Municipality of living ARBLONN_PERS_KOMMNR 
Municipality of living – type of curation ARBLONN_PERS_KOMMNR_KILDE 
Permanent or temporal ID ARBLONN_PERS_DNR 
Type of work ARBLONN_ARB_TYPE 
Working hours – full time for the job, curated ARBLONN_ARB_TIMEANT_FULLTID 
Working hours – full time/part time ARBLONN_ARB_HELDELTID 
Working hours – job percent in contract, as reported ARBLONN_ARB_STILLINGSPST_INNRAPP 
Working hours – job percent in contract, curated ARBLONN_ARB_STILLINGSPST 
Working hours – job percent total in contract(s) for all jobs ARBLONN_PERS_SUM_STILLINGSPST 
Working hours – job percent, type of curation ARBLONN_ARB_STILLINGSPST_KILDE 
Working hours – type of shift ARBLONN_ARB_TID_ORDNING 
Working hours – weekly, as in contract ARBLONN_ARB_ARBEIDSTID 
Working hours – weekly, total for all jobs ARBLONN_PERS_SUM_ARBEIDSTID 
Working hours –full time for the job, as reported ARBLONN_ARB_TIMEANT_FULLTID_INNRAPP 
Years since first registered in Norway ARBLONN_PERS_BOTID_FORST 
Years since latest registration in Norway ARBLONN_PERS_BOTID_SISTE