First rewieved articles from

New milestone for The first two peer reviewed articles based on data and functionality in Both papers utilize full population register data, and perform their analyzes with bulit-in tools.

The articles demonstrate that the new research service from SN and NSD is a full fledged alternative to traditional data sources for advanced, international level research. The published papers are a final proof that data content is relevant, that the analytical tool supports advanced research design, and that the disclosure control does not confuse conclutions.

Norwegian Journal of Workin Life Studies. Vol 36 contains Jon Ivar Elstad and Kristian Heggebø’s study on precariat in Norway. “Work, Employment and Society” har published Jannicke Gottschalk Ballo’s article on how education and gender affect the participation of disabled in working life.

OsloMet researchers Elstad and Heggebø are investigating the development of a precariat in Norway for two periods, 1993–1999 and 2009–2015. About eight per cent had sustained low labor incomes with frequent income declines, suggesting a precariat-like work relationship. The proportion had not increased since the 1990s.

Ballo, also from OsloMet, has looked at the connection between labor market participation and higher education for people with disabilities. She finds stronger positive effect of education for women than for men. Her data also shows that there is less gender difference in occupational activity for disabled people than for the total population.

Elstad, Jon Ivar and Heggebø, Kristian (2019): A growing precariat? Long-term labour market attachment among core groups in the labour force. Søkelys på arbeidslivet. Vol. 36.

Ballo, Jannike Gottschalk (2019): Labour Market Participation for Young People with Disabilities: The Impact of Gender and Higher Education. Work, Employment and Society, Sept 2019