User manual updated with the latest changes

In recent months, has been updated with a range of new analysis functionality and greater flexibility to export results from the tool.

The analysis tool now offers several advanced forms of analysis such as diff-in-diff and survival analysis (Kaplan-Meier and Cox). Chapters 5.10 and 5.11 discuss these.

Other improvements offer more flexibility when exporting results. Now you can also export all tables/statistics you have created by clicking a simple button (in addition to saving all results as pdf). When exporting individual statistics, you can, among other things, choose to use the Norwegian comma standard, which is compatible with the standard settings for Excel and Google Sheets. Figures/graphs can also be downloaded in several different formats, and opened directly in a graph editor (Vega). The user manual has been expanded with chapter 1.6 which discusses these various export options.

Click here to read the latest version of the user manual.